mA landscape plan of the front yard must be submitted as part of the application, showing the species of plants to be used, where they are to be planted, the total number of each species, and the size of each plant, either as pot size or trunk diameter.
mAt least 20% of the area of the front yard must be garden beds. Beds must be mulched with at least 25 mm depth of bark, other organic material, or stones, and edged with a long-lasting material.
mPlants in garden beds must be planted densely enough to ensure minimal visibility of mulch within two years.
mAt least one tree must be planted in the front yard, and one in the rear yard. The trees must have a mature height of at least 5 m, and be at least 2 m high when planted.
For additional Landscaping information refer to section 9.0 Appendices. Details include model front garden designs, a materiality schedule and street hedging.
The front boundary of the lot must be marked by a fence, wall, hedge, or a combination of these.
mA fence, wall or hedge up to 1200 mm high is required on the front lot line.
mA front fence may be made from timber or metal posts and rails, with the infill being: wooden or metal pickets or balusters; woven wire; laser-cut metal panels; or plain strand wire. It must have a plinth made from rendered masonry, stone, or wood. When viewed in elevation, the ratio of solids to void must be less than 1:2.
mA wall may be made from: face brick; rendered masonry; or solid metal panels. It must have no voids or a low proportion.
mFencing of the rear yard for privacy must be made of timber palings and be no more than 1.8 m high above natural ground level.
mFencing of the rear yard for privacy must be made of timber palings and be no more than 1.8 m high above finished surface level.
mRear yard fencing must be set back at least 1 m from the nearest front corner of the house.
mThe maximum combined height of a fence and retaining wall must be no more than 2.0 m.
mOn a corner lot, the side fence next to a secondary street must be set back at least 4 m from the front corner of the house, or the length of the first habitable room, whichever is the greater.
This type of fence is shown below:
mEach return fence and gates must be made from 25 mm horizontal hardwood timber slats with a 10 mm gap between slats.
mAccess must be provided to the rear yard by a gate in the return fence or by a rear door in the garage.
mWhere possible, private open space must face north, east or west.
mA swimming pool must not be prominent if visual from the public realm. The pool must be fenced to comply with safety regulation, including to block physical access and not be climbable.
mThe letterbox must be traditional in style, substantial, and constructed from metal, timber, brick or rendered masonry. It must clearly display the street number.
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Simple pillar letterboxes |
![]() ![]() ![]() Fence and wall inserts |