mOutbuildings must use materials and colours to complement those used on the main dwelling.
mOn a lot with one street frontage, accessory items must be inconspicuous when viewed from the street. Items will be deemed to be inconspicuous if located in the rear 50% of the lot, fully screened, or inside a building.
mOn a corner lot, any accessory items must be inconspicuous when viewed from all adjacent streets. Items will be deemed to be inconspicuous if it is: located in the rear 50% of the lot and on the side of the house opposite the secondary street; fully screened; or inside a building.
- mAir conditioning units on the roof must match the colour of the roof, be positioned below the roof ridge line and not be visible from streets or parks.
- mExternal condensers of split air conditioning units, and all associated piping and cabling, must be mounted away from public view or be screened.
- mItems mounted on a roof, such as solar panels, or items protruding through it, such as vents, must not be on a roof plane facing a street, or on a gable roof within ten metres of the front façade.