Tell us about your sales experience HiddenEmail 1. Based on your recent sales experience, how likely are you to recommend Broadstead Kilmore to your friends or family?Based on your recent sales experience, how likely are you to recommend Broadstead Kilmore to your friends or family?(Required)12345678910Please rate 1 to 10 with 1 being not likely and 10 being extremely likely.What are the reasons for your score?2. Based on this experience, tell us more about the service you received from our Estate Manager / Sales Agent.The Estate Manager / Sales Agent was friendly and courteous(Required)12345678910Please rate between 1 to 10, with 1 being unhelpful/discourteous and 10 being very helpful/courteous.The Estate Manager / Sales Agent was knowledgeable and professional(Required)12345678910Please rate between 1 to 10, with 1 having no knowledge/unprofessional and 10 being very knowledgeable/professional.3. Did you visit the Broadstead Kilmore sales office?Did you visit the Broadstead Kilmore sales office?(Required) Yes No Did you find the sales office well presented and maintained?(Required)12345678910Please rate between 1 to 10, with 1 being untidy and 10 being very well presented and maintained.How satisfied were you with the information and quality of the marketing brochures provided?(Required)12345678910Please rate between 1 and 10 with 1 being lacking information and 10 being very helpful and informative.4. Did you visit the Broadstead Kilmore website?Did you visit the Broadstead Kilmore website?(Required) Yes No How satisfied were you the information provided?(Required)12345678910Please rate between 1 and 10 with 1 being lacking information and 10 being very helpful and informative.5. Is there any further information or follow up you require to help with your purchase?Is there any further information or follow up you require to help with your purchase?6. What was the main reason you bought at Broadstead Kilmore?What was the main reason you bought at Broadstead Kilmore?7. How could we improve our product or community to better meet your needs?How could we improve our product or community to better meet your needs?8. Do you have any further feedback or suggestions that you would like to share?Do you have any further feedback or suggestions that you would like to share? Δ